Each child is unique, a constellation of individual traits and different social identities.
Education for diversity means welcoming each child into a space that respects diversity and celebrates differences, because only in this way can we help them develop self-confidence, a sense of belonging, and interpersonal skills.
The second edition of the “Stories for Diversity” project took place from January to May 2022.
This project is correlated with the Fundamental Benchmarks in Early Childhood Learning and Development, approved by the Ministry of Education in 2010, as part of the regulatory framework for preschool education.
B.1. Social Development
B.1.3 Acceptance and Respect for Diversity
Benchmark 4: The child should be able to recognize, appreciate, and respect the similarities and differences among people.
B.2. Emotional Development
B.2.1. Development of Self-Concept
Benchmark 8: The child should be able to perceive themselves positively as a unique individual with specific characteristics.
Project Elements
A training module for educators
A series of 5 webinars on diversity education (ethnic identity, disabilities, family structure, socio-economic status, gender stereotypes), featuring psychologists and education specialists. Over 1,000 teachers participated in the project’s webinars.
A diversity education set
An educational set comprising 5 illustrated books addressing the themes of the webinars in a child-friendly manner, and a pedagogical guide with 50 literacy and diversity education activities. 500 selected participants received the complete educational set in physical format.
“Stories for Diversity” is an initiative of the Cu Alte Cuvinte Association, which OvidiuRO joined as a partner starting in 2021.
In the first two editions of the project, over 1,500 teachers participated in the training sessions, and 600 of them received the educational set.
The first edition was complemented by the Game of Emotions, a series of 15 monthly workshops broadcast live on Facebook. During these sessions, we explored various contexts and methods for the socio-emotional development of children in the first six years of life, together with psychologists, education specialists, and teachers.