Media Appearances The more partners talk about sex, the more likely they are to have a healthy relationship. Topics related to sex and sexual health are still taboo in Romania, both at home…andreeadmin31 August 2024
Media Appearances Emotions and Brain Anatomy in Children It appears that repeated anger, hitting, shaking, or yelling at children are associated with smaller…andreeadmin2 February 2024
Media Appearances “‘If you love me, it means you have the right to hit me.’ Why do women stay in abusive relationships?” Many people wonder why women do not leave abusive relationships and why it is so…andreeadmin2 February 2024
Documentary Ep. 1 Maria Radulescu Maria Rădulescu, one of the last plaster craftsmen in Bucharest, created a distinct universe in…andreeadmin22 December 2023
Media Appearances Medical advice from Medlife: There is life after depression SPONSORED SECTION: Medical advice from Medlife. Depression is not just a melancholy after sunny summer…andreeadmin20 December 2023
Media Appearances HotNews LIVE Interviews: Children Need to Be in a Community / It’s Difficult for Them to Wear Masks for So Many Hours, It’s Right for Them to Take Breaks Children need to be in a community, and school is a controlled environment, so we…andreeadmin20 December 2023
Media Appearances Caring for others makes us human, keeps us close, and most often… heals. The wave of goodwill and generosity with which Romanians welcomed their refugee neighbors was a…andreeadmin20 December 2023
Media Appearances Frontline COVID doctor: A tough winter is ahead medically. I believe we need to approach things with what I call normality under pandemic conditions. We are facing a tough winter from a medical perspective—the first winter of the coronavirus…andreeadmin20 December 2023
Media Appearances How Can We Make Isolation Easier? Andreea Chiru-Maga, Psychotherapist at MindCare: Panic Attacks May First Appear in the Context of the Pandemic We are all experiencing a completely new period that has changed our lives. We do…andreeadmin20 December 2023
Media Appearances Social isolation and unusual behaviors. Andreea Chiru-Maga: Fear is contagious/Let’s be responsible and rational and avoid buying excessive or unnecessary products. ISOLATED, BUT TOGETHER We are each at home, isolated, even though we are social beings.…andreeadmin20 December 2023